Colorado DUI Attorney

Servinbg All Denver Metro Area Counties

Many Colorado lawyers mistakenly believe that DUI cases are straightforward and often advise their clients to plead guilty unless there's an obvious flaw in the evidence. However, DUI cases are far more complex, involving multiple layers of analysis, including intricate scientific details. Attorneys like Kevin Churchill and Josh Landy have the expertise and experience necessary to protect you from a conviction, even when the evidence appears strong. Their courtroom experience can also help in reducing the penalties you may face.
Hiring a specialized DUI defense attorney can significantly benefit your case. While Driving Under the Influence is a criminal charge, DUI cases have unique aspects that set them apart from other criminal cases. A DUI attorney must be well-versed in the latest DUI laws, including those related to criminal charges and DMV proceedings. They also need a deep understanding of the technical details of Blood Alcohol Tests and the standardized procedures for Field Sobriety Tests, such as walking a line or visual tracking. 

Colorado DUI Attorney

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Castle Rock DUI Attorney

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  • 753 Maleta Ln suite 101e, Castle Rock, CO 80108, USA